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Thursday, 7 August 2014

))))Vu & Company(((( Teaching Adults?

Since 1987 I have specialized in this. I find that most teachers teach kids. Is that the case here?
Music Teaching
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Music Teaching
Dan Starr Teaching Adults?
Dan Starr
Since 1987 I have specialized in this. I find that most teachers teach kids. Is that the case here?
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Stephanie Lau
Stephanie Lau
I teach all ages. I'd say about 20% of my student base are...
Kim Wessel
Kim Wessel
Stan I agree with you. Teaching adults can be quite rewarding...
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Stuart Bengtson Im starting junior choir (8, 9, 10 year olds) at my school. I've never taught one before or even been in one. Any tips or recommendations?
Stuart Bengtson
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Craig Harmann I am looking at starting a music academy at my church for lessons. It will more than likely include other instructors. Do any of you have experience or input?
Craig Harmann
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Kerry H. Kirkley Does anyone have any specific suggestions regarding teaching techniques for developing vibrato for brass instruments -trpt- (jaw, not hand)?
Kerry H. Kirkley
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Andrea Petersen Does anyone have advice regarding how to show music organizations or adults that I am very capable to teach what I am teaching? I am often questioned or doubted because I am young (age 20).
Andrea Petersen
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Keith Dobbs It is entirely up to the individual child's aptitude towards the music. The great composers started at very early ages on instruments.?Best wishes, no1hitmaker
Keith Dobbs
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